When I was young I remember watching movies like top gun and remember thinking to myself, man that's is the best "job" ever. To be able to fly around in fighter jets all day, it's not really cosidered a job, because in part of how much fun it is. I always thought chicks dig the guy flying the stealth fighter jet, and its true (atleast in movies).
I always wanted to fly fighter jets for the milatary, with all the respect those guys get, the awesome equiptment they get fly, and some crazy manevers they get to perform. Obviously, milatry pilot will start off in basic training per milatary/air force requirements. It's very hard to find information online on becoming a fighter pilot, my guess after doing some research it you start off joing the air force, and pass the basic training that given. After that you would request to become a fighter pilot and go through some pretty rigorous training, both in the classroom and in the air. If the officer in command see's that you excel in both, then you have a good chance in becoming a fighter pilot. However the use of fighter pilots is becoming rare nowaday just because it seems everything the air force does is with the use of a pilot-less aircraft or a drone plane. Either way is an elite group of men and women that get to call themselves a fighter pilot.